
Project ECHO® on Racism in Nursing

Project ECHO® on Racism in Nursing is a transformative initiative led by the National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing, a powerful coalition of leading nursing organizations. This program is dedicated to examining and confronting racism within the nursing profession, and its far-reaching impact on nurses, patients, communities, and healthcare systems. By empowering all nurses to take a stand against systemic racism, Project ECHO® inspires change and fosters a more inclusive and equitable future in healthcare. To support this initiative, the American Nurses Association awarded ten grants. Children's Hospital National in Washington, DC was a recipient of one of those grants. In this article, I elaborate further on Project ECHO, resources to address racism, and my new position on the the Hair For You Advisory Board at Children's Hospital National.

National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing

On January 25, 2021, the National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing was launched, marking a pivotal step in confronting racism within the nursing profession. Led by the American Nurses Association (ANA), National Black Nurses Association (NBNA), National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Associations (NCEMNA), and the National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN), this initiative unites diverse voices from across the nursing community to tackle the impact of racism on nurses, patients, and healthcare systems.

For years, these organizations have individually condemned racism in society and healthcare. Now, as a united front, they inspire every nurse to challenge both individual and systemic racism, paving the way for a more equitable and inclusive future in nursing.

Why This Matters Now

Racism has deep roots in the nursing profession, and its impact continues today. The National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing is leading a critical effort to confront these issues and foster a profession that truly embodies inclusion, diversity, and equity. By bringing together voices from marginalized communities and allies, the Commission is paving the way for an antiracist future in nursing.

What You Can Do

Combatting racism in nursing requires action from everyone. The Commission is dedicated to providing resources and education to empower nurses at all levels. Here’s how you can contribute:

- Understand Racism: Learn about the Commission’s comprehensive definition of racism and its pervasive impact on nursing.

- Listen and Learn: Explore insights from nurses of color through listening sessions and survey results highlighting the extent of racism in the profession.

- Share Your Story: Your experiences matter. Sharing them can help drive change in policies and practices.

- Act Daily: Discover 10 ways to be an antiracist nurse in your everyday practice.

Join the movement by participating in the Commission's Project ECHO® on Racism in Nursing Series—a powerful platform for learning and action. Together, we can build a more inclusive and equitable nursing profession.

The ANA offers a plethora of resources you can access now to initiate change. One of those resources is a webinar called, Actionable Allyship in Nursing. You can earn 1.0 CNE Contact Hour for free if you're a member or for $25 if you're not a member. The webinar equips nurses with the tools to create real change in their units, clinics, and systems by embracing allyship. Discover how being an ally benefits everyone and learn actionable steps to combat racism in nursing by clicking here and completing the Actionable Allyship Self-Assessment below.

Project ECHO®

Project ECHO® is a free tele-mentoring program where nurses are connected with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) experts who provide guidance and support. The program combines brief, impactful lectures with case-based learning and open discussions, creating a dynamic space for nurses to deepen their understanding of how racism manifests in their profession and healthcare at large.

Project ECHO® on Racism in Nursing is not just an educational opportunity—it's a call to action. It equips nurses with the skills and knowledge needed to challenge systemic racism and empowers them to become allies and leaders in the fight for equity.

Program Highlights:

- Eight powerful 90-minute sessions

- Virtual delivery by expert faculty and mentors

- Engaging case presentations and discussions

- Focused lectures on key issues related to racism in nursing

Hair For You: Children’s National Hospital

The ANA awarded ten grants to further support the initiative to address racism in nursing. Children's National Hospital was a recipient of one of those grants where they have established a project titled, Hair For You. I previously wrote about the project which was founded on the principle that all patients should have the ability to receive care for their hair that aligns with their cultural practices and informed by the biologically based needs of their hair texture. Using the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) change methodology, the participants will test policies, practices, and processes to create structural change in support of all children and adolescents.

I was invited to join the Hair For You Advisory Board earlier this year, and am I honored to spread the word about all the great work they are doing. In the aforementioned article, I wrote about the significance of nurses serving on boards and the mission of the Nurses on Boards Coalition (NOBC). More recently, Nurses on Boards Coalition was kind enough to invite me to be the Feature Story for July. I invite you to read my feature in it's entirety and click on the link to share your boardroom story! If you're not already serving, but interested in joining a board, sign up today to be notified about open positions. At the time of this writing, the Dermatology Nurses' Association is calling for new board members. Read my previous article about it to learn more and contact them directly if you have any questions or concerns regarding the requirements.

Special recognition goes to DNPs of Color for encouraging us to share our knowledge and expertise across all industries, and for making sure the world knows we exists. We invite you to to join today! You don't have to be a DNP to sit with me.

Kimberly Madison, DNP, AGPCNP-BC

I am a nurse practitioner with a passion for writing, entrepreneurship, education, and mentorship. I created this blog to share my journey as source of motivation and as a blueprint as you embark on your journey. Most importantly, I’m looking forward to increasing access to dermatology education and clinical training for aspiring and practicing nurse practitioners. I invite you to view the mission and vision statement on the homepage to see how we can best partner to make our dreams align.

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