
My BSN to DNP Journey

I started a blog for aspiring nurse practitioners (NPs) and experienced NPs interested in practicing dermatology. I have a passion for writing and decided to use this blog to share my journey, resources, and position myself as a resource for my community. I welcome you to join me.

I started a blog for aspiring nurse practitioners (NPs) and experienced NPs interested in practicing dermatology. I have a passion for writing and decided to use this blog to share my journey, resources, and position myself as a resource for my community. I hope you follow along!

I graduated with my Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree in May 2022. I took the less traveled route and I decided to gift myself a break for a year. Before transitioning into a full time healthcare provider, I wanted the time to explore other interests, reunite with family and friends, and reevaluate my goals – more importantly, my position in healthcare. 

My BSN to DNP journey

I enrolled in the BSN to DNP program at The George Washington University (GWU). The BSN to DNP program allows nurses who have graduated from a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program to enroll in a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program and DNP program with one application. Towards the end of the MSN, you may simultaneously start taking doctoral courses or, as in my case, graduate from the MSN program and immediately begin doctoral courses. At GWU, MSN students graduate after earning all the required credits. However, some colleges award the MSN and DNP after all the required credits have been completed for both programs. In contrast, some schools do not offer the BSN to DNP option or a prospective student may not be interested. In this case, they enroll in the MSN program, graduate, gain work experience, and then enroll in a DNP program while continuing to work.

The application process

To enroll in the BSN to DNP program, prospective students submit one admission application to enroll in both the Master of Science (MSN) in Nursing and Doctor or Nursing (DNP) programs. This is in contrast to applying to the MSN and DNP program separately and at different times. The application process includes: paying the associated fees, submitting transcripts, finding people to provide references, writing a statement of purpose, matriculating into the program, graduating, and then repeating these exact application steps for the DNP program. While my MSN program did not require the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), it can be part of the application process for some schools of nursing.

I favored the one-time application process versus the separate applications because I had already been down that road multiple times for my Bachelor of Science in Biology from Radford University in Virginia, my BSN from the University of Memphis in Tennessee, and my graduate certificate in biomedical engineering from Tufts University in Massachusetts.

From part time student to part time sabbatical

My BSN to DNP journey took six years because I was enrolled in the part time program which afforded me the opportunity to work full time and nurture my relationship. During that time, I became interested in entrepreneurship, investing, and real estate. While I learned a lot, I wasn’t able to dedicate as much time as desired because I was busy working and completing my degree requirements. Gifting myself my version of a sabbatical, allowed me the time to explore my newfound interests and determine the direction for my NP practice. 

First came nutrition

I thought about that saying, “do what you love and find a way to make money from it.” First, my exploration led me to my passion for writing. The joy and feedback I’ve received from my writing over the years has confirmed this is a talent that could only come from God - and something I shouldn't ignore. The next step was deciding what to write about. My exploration then led me to nutrition, Lifestyle Medicine, and Integrative Medicine. I even hosted a virtual cooking class and thought I was going to stay in that space for a while (still considering creating a plant-based e-book). While looking for education and training opportunities, I decided to revisit a specialty that piqued my interest the year prior, dermatology. 

My introduction to dermatology

In the spring of 2021, my partner introduced the idea of getting microneedling. I wasn’t familiar so I went down the rabbit hole of YouTube university only never to return. Fast forward to the fall of 2022, in my exploration of what to do next, I researched different education and training opportunities for aesthetics only to come to the conclusion that I would prefer to practice both medical and cosmetic dermatology. I did a quick comparison of 4 popular training courses and business development options that birthed a 10-year vision which started with writing this blog to help reinforce what I would learn over the next year as I prepare to transition into my NP practice.  Additionally, the blog would serve as a platform for my writing, document my journey to becoming a dermatology NP, and provide a resource for other aspiring nurses and nurse practitioners. It would help create a community, establish my presence on social media, and help me become a subject matter expert (SME). 


Around this same time, DNPs of Color (DOCs) was preparing for our 2022 Annual Conference. I’ve been volunteering for DOCs on the Programming Committee since 2021. After the conference, I saw our fearless Founder, President, and CEO, Dr. Danielle McCamey, DNP, CRNP, ACNP-BC, FCCP posted an interview she did with the Doctor Nurse Podcast. I started listening to the other interviews when I came across one with The Elite NP, better known as Justin Allan, MSN, FNP. Justin created the Elite NP and his Niche Practice Model to provide nurse practitioners with practical advice to gain personal, professional, and financial freedom by providing practical advice. I immediately started listening to every episode of his podcast, The Elite NP Show

My mindshift

As aforementioned, I was already listening to entrepreneurs and investors who have a different perspective on time and money than most healthcare professionals. So, my mind shift had already begun. But it wasn’t until I came across the Elite NP that I had an actual blueprint (complete with checklists) to follow. It was the first time since clinicals, that I was excited to practice as a NP. The Elite NP includes courses for practice start up, practice management, clinical care, and wealth building. The first course I enrolled in was his telemedicine course, How to Start a Telemedicine Practice. His podcast gave me inspiration, but his course gave me confidence and actionable steps to follow. I went back to my 10-year vision and added, “start a nurse practitioner led teledermatology practice.” 

Before I can start my teledermatology practice, I need to learn more about medical and cosmetic dermatology. First, I was planning to do an independent study. But, after learning about The Elite NP, I enrolled in his Dermatology course. Then, through some fortunate turn of events, I was accepted into the Diversity in Dermatology’s Achieve Program. The Achieve Program is a 12-month, online didactic program designed for NPs and PAs with less than three years of experience to help us develop our core practice and medical dermatology foundation.  I knew I would need to create a system to help me retain the information I was learning, so I decided to use my passion for writing as a retention tool. So, without further adieu, let me introduce you to Mahogany Dermatology. 

I’m here to share my journey as I become a Dermatology Nurse Practitioner. Join our community and follow me on Instagram to see how my 10-year vision unfolds. 

Kimberly Madison, DNP

Kimberly Madison is a nurse practitioner with a passion for writing, entrepreneurship, education, and mentorship. I created this blog to share my journey as source of motivation and as a blueprint as you embark on your journey. Most importantly, I’m looking forward to increasing access to dermatology education and clinical training for aspiring and practicing nurse practitioners. I invite you to view the mission and vision statement on the homepage to see how we can best partner to make our dreams align.

/Let's talk/

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